The order and dairy_order commands could have been merged as well here by specifying that the parameter be either a dairy_product or a word. 这里,也可以通过指明参数是dairyproduct还是word来将order和orderdairy命令合并成一条命令。
I'd have to redefine the parameter list for the createWord() method to look something like def createWord ( word, partOfSpeech, defs, syns= []) {}. 我需要重新定义createWord()方法的参数清单,使它变成类似defcreateWord(word,partOfSpeech,defs,syns=[]){}的样子。
When such a control word has a parameter of0, it is assumed that the control word turns off the property. 当这样的控制字没有参数或仅有一个非零参数,则认为这个控制字开启了这个属性。
First we gather pages from Internet, and extract the words with simple structure ( prime word) using the F-MI parameter improved by mutual-information. Then we extract words with complex structure ( combined word) by the decomposition of prime string. 我们从Internet上采集网页,使用改进的互信息参数(F-MI)抽取结构简单的词汇(质词):并在其基础上,进一步使用质子串分解方法抽取具有复杂结构的词汇(合词)。
This essay comes from the study of Semantic interpreting system of Chinese Intensional Logic. First, we withdraw abstract thesaurus of polysemous words or homonymy; then study disjunction of abstract thesaurus, and conjunction of abstract thesaurus and situation parameter for word senses in real situation. 本选题来源于汉语内涵逻辑语义解释系统研究,首先提取多义词或兼类词的抽象类义,再通过抽象类义的析取与情境参数的合取,来描写具体情境中的词的语义。